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Caring for more serious infections at home

Wounds that do not heal with time, such as pressure ulcers and surgical wounds, need specialized care. If you have non-healing wounds, our group of nurses will help you treat your complex injuries, cuts, and other types of wounds following your Doctor’s recommendation and established protocols of wound care.

Our team will assess the condition of your wound, your healing process, and other factors affecting it. Then we will develop a personalized plan of care based on your needs and condition. With this individualized plan, we can reduce your complications, promote your healing more quickly at home, and decrease the chance of infection that may lead to rehospitalization.

For the treatment of your wound, we only use evidence-based treatment services, including:

  • Expert consultation by a certified wound, ostomy, and continence care RNs
  • Specialized wound care treatment plans
  • Wound care management, including dressing changes
  • Pain management
  • Wound assessment and photo documentation
  • Future wound prevention
  • Healing time optimization

We also provide educational resources for your families to help you keep your wounds clean and free from infection at home. Contact us today!

caregiver helping the patient walk while smiling for the camera